Get the org chart of the company, represented as a bi-directional adjacency list.
This method returns every person featured in the org chart, along with their parent node and child nodes in the tree.


  • The id of an org node is equal to the id of the person returned by other /people methods.
  • The person at the top of the org chart has an undefined parent field.

Org name

By default, Okay will name organizations according to whoever is the organization's manager in the org chart. For example, if Alice is a manager in the org chart, their org will be named "Alice's org".
Users can override this default behavior by using the orgName field.

Group name

In some cases, a manager may have different sub-teams among their reports, but without sub-managers for each sub-team.
For example, a manager may have 10 reports, with 5 reports working on Backend and 5 reports working on Frontend, and they want to be able to filter or group by these 2 sub-teams.

In this case, the groupName field can be used to create these virtual nodes under the manager in question. The Okay UI will reflect these nodes as if they were actual organizations.

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